Final fantasy xi story
Final fantasy xi story

final fantasy xi story

San d'Oria's quest chain was not nearly as interesting as the other two, in my opinion. If you only go through one I'd recommend Bastok's as it gives you some background of one of the important characters of the previous stories. Going through this story requires you to also go through at least one of the nation quest-chains. I can't really go into any specifics in this story and how it relates to the others without spoilers, to be honest. Wings of the Goddess is all about the past, specifically about the war with Shadow Lord 20 years before the game starts. It's hard to talk about this part without spoilers. His narrative has a lot of similarities to Shadow Lord (the original big bad) so you learn more about Shadow Lord as a person through Luzaf, if that makes sense. You'll learn about a character name Luzaf in this expansion. Treasures of Aht Urhgan's story isn't directly related the the previous ones, but it is important so you understand Odin, who is basically the indirect catalyst for most of the story. At the very least these three three are the ones to play through to get the main story, but I feel the others are important for context. Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia's mission lines are extensions of the first, and these three together make up the initial narrative of the game. All of the rank 6 and beyond nation missions aren't really part of the main plot, but they are interesting if you like the world of FFXI (especially Windurst and San d'Oria, Bastok's mission line is only interesting if you like Galka). That was where the missions ended when the game first released. The short answer is 'the main mission-lines of each expansion'.įor the nation missions, you only really have to get through rank 5, and rank 4 and 5 are all the same for each nation. I've thought a lot about what is and isn't the 'main story' of FFXI. or maybe I'll move the goalpost again and get a badass i119 set and do some endgame stuff. Right now I'm at Adoulin and taking a little break, but I think maybe I will feel complete when I finish RoV. I still only play every few months (very casually) and am still slowly putzing through the story, but I could not stop at Rank 5. but I totally feel in love with the world, the lore, and the gameplay. I always felt a feeling of it being incomplete bc I too wanted to finish all the FF games.įor some years I was just like, "its an MMO, it doesnt count" but finally changed my mind around late 2017ish and I was exactly where you are now and had only intended to beat the boss at the end of that rank 5 mission to check a box and finish what high school/college me could not.


I subscribed back early on when when it was on PS2/xbox and played through maybe rank 2-3 but wasnt really an MMO person and was very lost, plus i had like homework and shit to do. BUT the game was never intended to end there and there is SO much more and you may not be able to sleep at night if you stop there. I would say that, at minimum, completing rank 1-5, earns you some qualification to be able to say "i beat main story" as that was the original endpoint when the game came out, before expansions, and to some extent does wrap up the first arc (sorta).


And all of FFXI's stories together are easily up to par with any of the offline FF games. RoV isn't nearly as powerful if you've only seen a fraction of the previous storylines. Anything less than that and you're doing yourself a disservice. If you really want the true FFXI experience, it's best to play all storylines to the end after RoV introduces you to them and then cap it off with the final chapter of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (and you should only ever rush RoV first if you care about endgame). But it's pretty lackluster as a standalone.

final fantasy xi story

That said, I really like the vanilla story because of all the lore surrounding it and all the things it sets up for later storylines. It's a couple of fights and otherwise just running around and watching cutscenes which are relatively short compared to later expansions. The vanilla story is just like 2-3 hours long if you rush it-there is not much required aside from having the minimum level. Check out the new 1-119 guide on BG Wiki. Coming from FFXIV? Check out our FFXIV->FFXI page. The Community Project has been delivered! Community resources Celebrating the 20th Vana'versary of FINAL FANTASY XI!.Primed for Adventure Live Stream – The May Episode!.Announcing the 20th Vana'versary Development Team Reddit AMA.PDT: Ask Me Anything with the FFXI Development Team Latest Topics

Final fantasy xi story